This is the schedule as of the last week of December 2007, with the timeline of events leading up to the formal turnover of the facility to NJT in 2008, as shown on our whiteboard in one of the construction trailers. On January 2, NJT workers came in to turn on the high voltage (12kV 25Hz). On the next day, they made the connections to provide a step-down feed for the interlock system to monitor (PT is shorthand for potential transformer). On the 3rd and the 7th, final settings, adjustments, etc. were made for the four derails. The NJT wire train came into the new shop (both tracks) to check clearances on the 8th. By this time, permanent NJT staff had started to show up and initial training was held on the 9th. The 10th was a catch-all date, the 11th a formal demo for NJT management, and after that the keys to the kingdom were handed over. |