BNSF 7349 - BNSF 8593          
BNSF 7349 - BNSF 8593 double pushers on northbound mixed freight showing off part of Coyote Ridge Correctional Facility and their dedicated water tower... not that they were supposed to contribute handily to Connells economy, but, well, its an excellent good "bad example" of what can happen when a prison system (initially minimum security... then medium... then proposed maximum) brings in significant municipal overhead without much positive return to the local economy (at least not to the degree of promises and dreams).BN
Date: 8/12/2016 Location: Connell, WA Views: 171 Collection Of:   B Campbell
Locomotives: BNSF 7349(ES44DC) BNSF 8593(SD70ACe)    Author:  B Campbell
BNSF 7349 - BNSF 8593
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  Connell, WA
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